대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

The first reaction I got back was a cool smile. Next, an answe

r came out of the Chief of Staff’s mouth.“The plan is revised. T

he original plan was to send ground troops first, but consider

ng time constraints, the airborne corps will be deployed first.”

「???Then」atutin’s eyes tremble as if he is agitated, and for a

moment he closes his mouth.Similar to that situation, Lieuten

ant General Sokolovsky, standing next to him, asked.“It’s not th

at serious. “May I ask the reason?”Although the tone was gent

le, the expression was full of perplexity.Although there can be n

o clear criticism of the top leadership’s decision, objectively sp

eaking, it is a decision that can only be expressed as an outrag

e.In preparation for the breakdown of negotiations, the Red Ar

my was moving its forces to resume the offensive, and was prep

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

aring for an immediate response capable of launching a renewe

d offensive into the Moravian territory within 13 hours from no

w, if that was the intention.The plan was to suppress firepower w

ith artillery, and then mechanized units break through under the

air force umbrella. The plan was to advance without stopping to

reach the front of the capital within three days, and then to atta

ck in line with the suppression of elements of the capital by me

ans of an airborne operation.However, if only the process opera

tion is carried out in advance, it is a different story.Even if it was

a division-sized unit, there was no chance of victory if only light

ly equipped airborne troops rushed into the Moravian capital, w

hich was under strict security.Intercepting the magic corps that

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

protects the capital, and even the chimera task force that is in re

serve. Moreover, the enemy country’s capital will be protected b

y an air defense fighter unit called the Flying Dragon Knight.

This mission of directly striking a well-defended target should

originally be carried out by infantry with sufficient artillery sup

port, not by airborne troops.In the previous world, the German

army and others used surprise airborne operations to attack fo

rtresses, but this was only possible when the opponent was c

aught off guard.In wartime, there is no way that the capital, w

hich is not that far from the front lines, has no border.“Accordi

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주유흥알바 청주룸보도 전주룸보도

ng to the NKVD’s information, the size of the kingdom’s army c

urrently deployed to the royal capital of Moravia is approximat

ely one division. It also seems like the government forces and t

he rebels are in a state of messy combat. … “Comrade Secreta

ry General’s opinion is that an organized interception will be

difficult.””however… Still, this is closer to gambling.”Sokolovsky p

resses his fingertips to his temples as if trying to endure a head

ache, and Vatutin and Vasil Levsky also look clearly reluctant.

“If this operation is successful, it will be possible to quickly end

this war. “This is an opportunity for us to take control of the kin

gdom’s leadership and the military’s headquarters by bridging

the internal strife.”