대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

By manipulating the circle, the door on the side of the aircraft

slowly opens.On the other side of the completely open door i

While holding on to the door’s railing, each lead paratrooper s

eps back slightly from the door and imprints the scene in his o

r her eyes.“60 seconds before descent”“Leader, heavy equipme

nt release complete!”Following the commander’s countdown, a

report is heard from the transport aircraft crew checking the p

rogress of the squadron’s descent through the in-flight radio.

During the airborne drop operation in the royal capital, there

were two locations considered to be the landing points. One i

s the eastern outskirts of the royal capital where the main forc

e is strong and deployed.And, one last thing… It was the Demo

n Army’s parade ground located in the royal castle city downto

wn.Under the leadership of the Moravian Drake Knights, the 12

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

TB-3s of the preceding first line drop heavy equipment and sup

plies, and the second line for transporting personnel will send

airborne troops to the ground.“30 seconds before descent”

The ground seen from the sky continues to be gently flat.

The most vulnerable moment for airborne troops is when they ar

e dispersed immediately after descent, and if the scale of the des

cent increases to the size of a division, it takes a long time to re

group after the descent.Therefore, despite the difficulty of having

to break through the gate where the garrison was located, the R

ed Army had no choice but to choose a drop point outside the

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 괴정동유흥알바 괴정동밤알바 괴정동여성알바

royal capital city.Even if there was little resistance from the rebel

s, they knew that dropping 10,000 troops into an urban area wi

th poor geography would make command difficult and cause un

necessary confusion and damage.“15 seconds before descent”

The countdown is approaching 0. No matter what anyone sas, t

hey drink dry spit.Before descending, the lead soldier unconsciou

sly feels the PPsh submachine gun mounted in the carrying case,

takes a deep breath, and then exhales it.「5 seconds ago.4… 3… 2

… One… 」