【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바
【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

The true intention of the admirals, including the members of the

Navy, was that there would be no time to waste time doing other t

hings until things were resolved.Episode 13 EntranceJuly 5, 1941

Kilgrit, a port city in the Neustrian Empire.“It’s a strange mission.”

On the way to the port after completing negotiations for the gove

rnorship.Patrolman Eleanor Casseles muttered to herself.Survey o

f the northern Eastern Ocean.From the time she was dispatched

to this mission from the Boto Observatory headquarters in the im

perial capital, she was having difficulty grasping the intent of thi

s investigation.It is understandable that this is an espionage a

ctivity against Moravia.However, compared to that, the numbe

r of people and equipment sent are mediocre.The northern par

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

t of the Eastern Ocean is known to be very dangerous. Only tw

o young patrolmen were sent there.He has no escort and can e

xpect no cooperation from the military.It’s as if they’re telling yo

u to come back in distress.(Are you evaluating my skills as a m

age?…I can’t do that.)In an instant, I immediately erase the fo

olish imagination that popped into my mind.Eleanor turns 24 t

his year. Although he was from the common people, his father w

orked at a temple of the Spirit God religion, and Eleanor often

went to the temple since her childhood. When he was seven ye

ars old, he was discovered, somewhat by accident, by the head

【VIP알바】 노래방알바 고액알바 마사지알바 알로마알바

of a temple, to have a talent for magic, and that was his turning

point. He lived at the temple for about eight years and received

training as a magician. He then knocked on the door of a Boto

observer at the recommendation of the temple head.Thinking

about it now, I guess he was talented in his own way. Moreover

, in Neustria, where the emperor is also the leader of a religious c

ult, receiving education at a temple and receiving a recommenda

tion from the temple head is quite a high qualification. Despite b

eing from the common people, there were circumstances that le

d Eleanor to a seemingly high-ranking official position, such as

that of a patrolman.